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The basic version of the RI-307USB software

The basic software version of the RI-307USB reflectometer allows:

  • to set the operating parameters of the RI-307USB device;
  • receive graphs of reflectograms from the device and display them on the PC display in real time;
  • to process the measurement results;
  • save measurement results on a PC compare/subtract reflectograms;
  • perform cursor measurements;
  • adjust the shortening coefficient for a more accurate distance calculation;
  • to study in detail the reflectograms stored with the maximum resolution.

Software for reflectometers RI - IRview 4.0

All pulse reflectometers manufactured by OERSTED have a single software for data exchange with a PC.
The program is designed to work with all reflectometers of the RI series: RI-10M1, RI-10M2, RI-307, RI-307 USB and allows:

  • read reflectograms from the device memory;
  • maintain an unlimited number of databases, which provides convenient grouping of reflectograms according to various criteria: territorial areas, dates, etc.;
  • compare reflectograms;
  • perform cursor measurements;
  • adjust the shortening coefficient for a more accurate distance calculation;
  • to study in detail the reflectograms stored with the maximum resolution;
  • print out the measurement protocol.

Extended version of the RI-307USB software

The transition to the extended version of the RI-307USB software (by entering the activation key) opens the following additional functions of the program:

  • printing of reports (reflectograms of all channels with all measuring parameters);
  • automatic calculation of the distance to damage in lines made up of dissimilar cable sections (with unequal shortening coefficients);
  • the ability to use the signal propagation velocity – V/2 instead of the shortening coefficient, as is customary in foreign devices;
  • the function of the second screen is the ability to view the entire line and any enlarged section of it at the same time.

All E'RSTED products

The group "New Technologies" offers for review the products of the plant E'RSTED: cable reflectometers and bridges, generators of high-voltage pulses, sources of probing pulses, trace detectors and trace detectors, acoustic receivers, search systems, software
  • Cable reflectometers and bridges E'RSTED
    Cable reflectometers and bridges
    RI-407 STRIZH-S, TDR-109 STRIZH-S, etc.
  • Reflectometers-testers E'RSTED
    RI-303BM STRIZH et al.
  • High-voltage pulse generators E'RSTED
    High-voltage pulse generators
    ADG-200-2 SKAT-M, etc.
  • Sources of probing pulses E'RSTED
    Sources of probing pulses
    IZI-100, IZI-6M, etc.
  • Tracers and tracerefect detectors E'RSTED
    Tracers and tracerefect detectors
    TDI-05M-3, TDI-MA, TI-05-3, etc.
  • Acoustic receivers E'RSTED
    Acoustic receivers
    THE SUCCESS OF AT-407N, etc.
  • Search complexes E'RSTED
    Search complexes
    RI-407+ADG-200-2, etc.
  • Software E'RSTED
    ACCORDING TO RI-307USB, etc.


The OERSTED company (St. Petersburg) specializes in the development and production of devices and systems for fault detection in wired power and communication networks. The company's main products are pulse reflectometers and continuous monitoring systems based on them.

    OERSTED pulse reflectometers are used to monitor and search for damage on all types of metal cables.
  • reliability

    Reflectometers are certified by the State Standard of Russia, entered in the State Register and have a certificate of type approval of measuring instruments.

    The devices have a dust-and moisture-proof design and are designed for long-term trouble-free operation in extreme conditions.

Information Board E'RSTED

Learn more about our products E'RSTED.
  • Price list supplier ERSTED
    Price list
  • Questionnaire supplier ERSTED


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